When a Sketch Tool is selected, that tool remains active until you select another tool. A single click (press and release) with the mouse button applies the tool to the sketch.
The Lock tool provides the standard mouse cursor. The Lock tool can be used for selecting sketch objects (they highlight black) and for changing options. Sketch objects cannot be moved with the Lock tool. Tip — you can select the Lock tool by pressing the Esc key, or the keyboard number 1.
The Move/Size tool is used for moving sketch objects around, including resizing variables and boxes, and reshaping arrows. The other sketch tools also allow you to move objects.
Variable sketch tools (Variable Level
and other variable tools you may configure) and the default setting for the Rates tool
bring up editing boxes (for naming the Variable or Rate) when applied to the sketch. The Sketch Comment tool
brings up a dialog box.
The Arrow tool starts an arrow. To do this make a single click (press and release) of the mouse button on the middle of the starting word, then finish with another single click on the middle of the ending word. Arrows (curved) can take one intermediate point on a sketch with an extra mouse click.
NOTE Do not try to draw arrows by clicking and holding the mouse button down while dragging the mouse. This will just move the word you are starting from. The same applies for rates.
Objects in a sketch can have their appearance changed by clicking on them with the right mouse button, which brings up an options dialog box.