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GET 123 CONSTANTS('file','tab','cell') GET CONSTANTS from lotus 123

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Returns a number, vector or 2-dimensional array of Constant values by querying Lotus 123 for the values.  The number of values brought in is determined by the subscripts that are used in the left hand side.  

Restrictions:  Must appear directly following the equal sign = (or the == sign for Unchangeable Constants) and not be followed by anything else.

When a model is checked, GET 123 CONSTANTS queries Lotus 123 for the values.  If Lotus 123 is not running Vensim will attempt to start it.  If Lotus 123 does not have the specified file open Vensim will try to get Lotus 123 to open it.  If Vensim cannot get values from Lotus 123 it reports an error.  For normal Constants the values are also queried each time a simulation is made and a warning is given if the values are not obtainable.  This query does not occur with Unchangeable Constants. If Vensim has trouble getting values with this function you should try opening the named file in Lotus 123 first.

All of the arguments to GET 123 CONSTANTS are literals and must be enclosed in single quotes '. 'file' names a file with complete extension to be used.  This can be a 123 file or any other type of file Lotus 123 is capable of opening.  If no directory is specified (best practice) Vensim will append directory information for the current model. 'tab' names the tab that contains the Constants.  This function will not work with older versions of 123 that do not support tabs. 'cell'  names the cell that the first Constant value is on.  Vensim will read additional cells to the right and down if necessary to get all values.


Units: GET 123 CONSTANTS is not part of units checking.  Specify units for the left hand side variable.

NOTE GET 123 CONSTANTS is not available on the Macintosh.

Availability:  Not PLE .