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Vensim Help

C/C++int VEFCC vensim_command(char *command) ; 

int VEFCC VensimCCommand(int context,const char *command) ;

Javapublic static native int command( String command );

public static native int CCommand(int context,String command );

VBPrivate Declare Function vensim_command Lib "vendll32.dll" (ByVal Vcommand$) As Long
Pascalfunction vensim_command(command_string: PChar): Integer ; stdcall ;  external 'vendll32.dll' ;

The vensim_command function is the main function that is used to interact with Vensim.  The commands supported are a subset of the commands supported when running Venapps.


command        Is a null terminated string that indicates the command to execute.  See supported commands.  Multiple commands can be sent by using an ampersand & between the commands, or with repeated calls. If a command string contains the ampersand it must be quoted (eg. SPECIAL>LOADMODEL|"r&d.vpm") .


A return value of 1 indicates successful completion of the command.  A return value of 0 indicates the command or test failed.  The interpretation of failure depends on the command being sent.


The vensim_command function should only be used with commands that do not require any interaction with the screen.  Use vensim_tool_command for creating, copying and printing any visual elements.

See Also
