C/C++ | int VEFCC vensim_get_dpvecvals(const unsigned long *vecoff,double *dpvals,int veclen) ; |
int VEFCC VensimCGetDPVecVals(int context,const unsigned long *offsets,double *dpvals,int veclen) ;
Java | public static native int get_dpvecvals(int offsets[],double dpvals[],int veclen) ; |
public static native int CGetDPVecVals(int context,int offsets[],double dpvals[],int veclen) ;
VB | Private Declare Function vensim_get_dpvecvals Lib "vendll32.dll" (vecoff As Long, varvals As Double, ByVal veclen As Long) As Long |
Pascal | function vensim_get_dpvecvals(vecoff:LongintPtr; varvals: DoublePtr;veclen:Integer): Integer ; stdcall ; external 'vendll32.dll' ; |
This is the same as vensim_get_vecvals except it takes a double vector to store values. Use of this call is only meaningful when you are using the double precision DLL, though it is supported in the single precision DLLs for compatibility.
vecoff A vector containing offsets as returned by vensim_get_varoff.
dpvals The location into which the values for variables should be written.
veclen The number of elements in the vector.
The number of elements in the vector or 0 on error.