C/C++ | int VEFCC vensim_get_infovensim_get_run_info(char *runname, int infowanted,char *buf,int maxbuflen) ; |
int VEFCC VensimCGetInfo(int context,char *runname,char *buf,int maxbuflen) ;
VB | Private Declare Function vensim_get_info Lib "vendll32.dll" (ByVal runname$, ByVal infowanted As Long, ByVal buf$, ByVal maxbuflen As Long) As Long |
Pascal | function vensim_get_info(runname:PChar;infowanted:Integer;buf:PChar; maxbuflen:Integer): Integer ; stdcall ; external 'vendll132.dll' ; |
Use this function to get information about a run in Vensim.
infowanted Specifies the type of information desired.
• | 0 for all information about the run |
• | 1 for the origin of the run |
• | 2 for the Vensim command line used to generate the run |
• | 3 for the comment used in the run |
• | 4 for the payoff value from the run |
buf A buffer into which the subsstring will be placed.
maxbuflen The maximum amount of space that will be used in buf. If this is zero the function will simple return the size of the buffer needed to store the information.
The length of the buffer needed to store the information requested if buf is NULL. Up to maxbuflen of this information will be copied into buf.