C/C++ | int VEFCC vensim_get_stringval(char *varname,char *runname,char *buf,int maxbuflen) ; |
int VEFCC VensimCGetSubstring(int context,char *varname,char *runname,char *buf,int maxbuflen) ;
VB | Private Declare Function vensim_get_substring Lib "vendll32.dll" (ByVal varname$, ByVal runname$, ByVal buf$, ByVal maxbuflen As Long) As Long |
Pascal | function vensim_get_substring(varname: PChar; runname: PChar; buf:PChar; maxbuflen:Integer ): Integer ; stdcall ; external 'vendll32.dll' ; |
Java | Not useful |
Retrieves a string variable from a simulation run.
varname | the name of the variable to retrieve data on. This must be a fully subscripted variable name. |
filename | the name of the file containing the data. This names a .vdf file. |
buf A buffer into which the string will be placed.
maxbuflen The maximum amount of space that will be used in buf.
The length of the string, if maxbuflen is 0, the required buffer size to fetch the string from the dataset. A return value of 0 indicates that the string was not found in the dataset.
See Also