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Vensim Help

There are a number of JavaScript functions provided to you so that you can interact with the WASM file that Vensim generates.





function SetConstant(strParameter, fValue)


This sets a constant internally to the Vensim model. For example, to set the initial population in a model, you could call



function GetVariableIndex(strParameter)


Internally, each parameter has an ID number, this function allows you to find the ID number of a variable.



function GetNumVariables()


This function returns the number of variables you have in your model.



function GetVariableName(nIndex)


This function returns the variable name associated with an ID number.








function GetVariableType(nIndex)


Each variable has a type. This function returns the type number for each variable. Values are as follows.


5 = Data

8 = Level

15 = Time base

17 = Auxiliary

19 = Game variable

22 = Initial

23 = Constant

24 = Unchangable constant

26 = Lookup table

27 = String variable



function InitializeModel()


This function resets the model and marks it ready for another simulation.



function RunSim()


This function runs the simulation.



function GetSeriesNumVals(strVarName)


When a simulation is complete, this function returns the number of values stored in the time series for a specific variable.



function GetSeries(strVarName)


This function returns an array of values for a specific variable.



function AddCINFileFromServer(strFileName)



This function loads a CIN file into a model. The CIN file must reside on the server in the same folder as the WASM file.


function GetValueAtTime(strVarName, fTime)


This function returns the value of a parameter calculated at a specific time.