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Legal Notices

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not constitute a representation or warranty on the part of Ventana Systems, Inc.  The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of that agreement.  


© Copyright Ventana Systems, Inc.

All Rights Reserved except the Following Reproduction Rights are Granted:

This documentation may be reproduced by, or on behalf, of Vensim Licensees for their own use and by schools and accredited academic institutions for instructional and research use.  Any other reproduction is prohibited without the express written consent of Ventana Systems, Inc.  This page must be included in any reproduction of any part of  Vensim documentation.

Vensim is Licensed software and may only be used in accordance with the terms of that license.  The Vensim PLE Software may be reproduced and distributed free of charge as a bound, self  installing executable.  Any sale of Vensim software is prohibited without the express written consent of Ventana Systems, Inc.  Any distribution of the files installed in support of Vensim is prohibited without the express written consent of Ventana Systems, Inc.

Patent and Trademark Notices

Causal Tracing, Reality Check, Vensim and Ventana are registered trademarks of Ventana Systems, Inc.  Venapp, SyntheSim and the Ventana Logo are trademarks of Ventana Systems, Inc.  Ventana is a registered service mark of Ventana Systems, Inc.  Patent pending for multivariate sensitivity simulation technology supporting Sensitivity2All.

Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.



Ventana Systems gratefully acknowledges researchers who make their code available under liberal licenses suitable for inclusion in a commercial product.

The following libraries are used in the Vensim software.

SIMD (pseudorandom number generator)


Google Breakpad

Cairo graphics library











Ventana Systems gratefully acknowledges for making artwork available for use.