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Vensim Help

There are a number of keyboard shortcuts available in Vensim. Most menu items can be accessed by holding down the Alt key and then pressing a letter. The letter to be pressed is displayed underlined in the menu.

In addition there are a number of shortcut keys to for various functions.



The following keyboard shortcuts apply regardless of whether there is tool output or a sketch currently active.


<Control> V


<Control> C


<Control> X


<Control> W

<Control> F4

Close Window

<Control> Q

Quit Vensim

<Control> A

Select All

<Control> E

Enter simulation setup mode

<Control> R

Run the model (simulate)

<Control> N

New Model

<Control> O

Open Model

<Control> S


<Control> P


<Control> B

Toggle SyntheSim mode on/off




Build Windows (Sketch or Text Editing)


<Control> Z


<Control> Y


<Control> T

Check Model

<Control> U

Units Check


Sketch Editor



Toggle display of variable behavior


Toggle hidden variables

<Up/Down Arrow>

Change hide level

<Page Up/Down>

Navigate through multiple views




Find workbench


Find Again




Sequentially activate the sketch tools. The precise tool activated depends on the order of the sketch toolbar, which may vary with user configuration.


Activate the Level (stock or box variable) sketch tool, assuming default ordering of the sketch toolbar.


Activate the Flow (Rate) sketch tool, assuming default ordering of the sketch toolbar.



Activate the Auxiliary Variable sketch tool, assuming default ordering of the sketch toolbar.


Activate the Cause Arrow sketch tool, assuming default ordering of the sketch toolbar.


Text Editor



Find. The search is forward from your current position unless the direction toggle is set to backward.


Replace (respecting parsing of variable names)


Replace string


Determines whether the Find and Replace commands match strings with or without case sensitivity. The default is off.


Toggles the direction of search for the Find function.


Moves the cursor to the beginning of a line. Two consecutive invocations place you at the beginning of a page; three place you at the beginning of a file.

<Control> C


<Num Keypad> +

Copies highlighted text to the clipboard but does not remove it from its current position.

<Num Keypad> +

Copy line - when no text is highlighted, copies a line to the clipboard automatically, without first highlighting it.

<Control> X


<Num Keypad> -

Cuts highlighted text from its current position and places it into the clipboard.

<Num Keypad> -

Cut line - when no text is selected, removes a line from its current position and places it in the clipboard.


Deletes the character to the right of the cursor (or the character the cursor is on if there is a block cursor).


Toggle entrainment. When entrainment is on, and a variable is selected into the Workbench, the Text Edit window is repositioned to the beginning of the first equation defining that variable. Also, when you click in the Error Report window associated with the model, the Text Edit window is repositioned at the source of the error. This toggle is automatically set to on if you choose the Check or Load command.


For the numeric keypad characters (denoted <Num Keypad>) to work NumLock must be off, otherwise keypad keys will enter characters.


Equation Editor


<Control><Page Up/Down>

Go to the previous/next equation





Jump to highlighted variable


Move to end of line in a text field


Move to start of line in a text field


Insert a line break in a text field


<Control> W

Exit, accepting current variable edits, equivalent of hitting “OK” button


Exit, cancelling current variable edits, equivalent of hitting “Cancel” button

<Control> N

New variable

<Control> Z


<Control> F

Find a variable to edit, equivalent of “Search Model” button

<Control> K

Check Syntax

<Control> U

Check units

<Control> T

Check Model

<Control> E

Add a subscript element equation

<Control> B 

Back to previous variable edited

<Control > D 

Delete variable

<Control>  I 

Insert Tab character

<Control>  M 

Insert Carriage Return character  

<Control> R  

Remove equation for a single subscript element




<Control> B 

Toggle SyntheSim mode on/off

<Right/Left Arrow>

Move currently selected slider


Select next slider


Reset current slider


Reset all sliders




<Control> is typically abbreviated as Ctrl on keyboards


<Escape> is typically abbreviated as Esc on keyboards


<Delete> is sometimes abbreviated as Del on keyboards