Ø | Click on the SyntheSim button ![]() |
The toolbar will change to
and you will see variable behavior for all elements on the diagram.
Ø | Click on the Runname editing box and replace equilib with the name growth. |
Ø | Drag the slider beneath birth rate up till it shows 0.2 as its value. If you have trouble getting the exact value let go of the mouse button and use the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard to move the slider in small increments. |
Your sketch should look like:
The blue lines show the current run and the red line the equilib run results.
Ø | Click on the Stop button to stop SyntheSim. |
The behavior graphs and sliders will disappear from the sketch.
Ø | Press the B key or select the menu item View>Show Behavior to see behavior graphs again. |
You can toggle between seeing and not seeing behavior graphs by pressing the B key.
Alternative Simulation Setup
As an alternative to entering SyntheSim mode you can set up and perform simulation one at a time. For large models where the simulation takes more than a few seconds this is more practical than trying to enter SyntheSim mode.
Ø | Click on the Set up a Simulation button ![]() |
The Toolbar changes to the simulation toolbar.
This toolbar has features specific to model simulation, allowing changes to the integration technique, and buttons to change model constants and lookups. You will also notice that constants in the sketch of this Population model turn into yellow words with blue background . Also, the sketch tools are grayed out, preventing work in the sketch window.
Ø | If you have not already done so click on the Runname editing box and replace equilib with the name growth. |
Ø | Click on the variable birth rate (appearing blue/yellow in the sketch) and in the editing box type the value 0.2. Press the Enter key. This is a temporary change for this run only and does not permanently alter the value in your model. |
Ø | Click the Simulate button and the model will simulate. If you already created the run growth in SyntheSim mode you will be asked if you want to overwrite the existing dataset - answer yes. |
Ø | If you have not already done so press the B key or select the menu item View>Show Behavior to see behavior graphs. |