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Vensim Help

The goal in playing this game is to meet the demand for houses (a zero gap in houses); you do this by setting and changing the variable planning which introduces new houses into the planning and construction process.  Right now planning is determined by a formula.  This formula allows you to simulate the model, but does not provide a mechanism for you to intervene and change the value of planning during a simulation.  You need to change planning to a Game variable.  To do this:

ØSelect the Equations tool.
ØClick on the variable planning.

We see the equation:

planning = MAX( 0, replacement houses + (gap in houses / 
       time to respond to gap))

Units: house/Month

The equation is formulated so planning can never go negative; you can plan to build some houses (positive) or plan to build no houses (zero).  To make this a Game variable, we change the variable type in the lower drop-down variable type box:

ØClick on the drop-down arrow on the lower variable Type box (currently reads Normal) and choose Gaming from the list.  Click the OK button.
ØSave the model.

You can convert any Auxiliary, Rate or Constant into a Game variable in this manner.  During a simulation a Game variable does just what it would do if it were an Auxiliary, Rate or Constant.  However, during a game, you can set the value of a Game variable at each time as the game progresses.