The arrow options are simpler than the word options. You can hide arrows or change their displayed polarity and color. A right mouse button click (or Ctrl + Click) on the handle for the arrows, or on the base of the arrowhead, (handles must be visible), brings up the Arrow Options dialog. Note that for arrows going through valves and other junctions the dialog box will a title such as "Options for Arrow from -junction- to Inventory." Here -junction- is the generic name for any word that is not a variable.
Arrowhead, if checked, causes the arrowhead to be displayed. For arrows going into junction nodes, it is often useful to hide the arrowheads. Hiding arrowheads can also be useful as a means of emphasizing the direction of physical flow.
Delay marking, if checked, causes a double line to pass through the arrow perpendicularly to the arrow at the arrows handle. This is useful for marking a link as involving delays in Causal Loop Diagrams.
Color allows you to select the color for the arrow. Click on the button to the right to select from a list of available colors.
Line Style/Thickness lets you choose the line thickness you want, or dashed lines if appropriate. If the arrow you are setting options for is a perpendicular line arrow, you can also choose among line separation widths for the arrow. Click on the Radio Button to the left of the line you want.
Polarity (None or + or - or S or O or Other) determines the displayed polarity for an arrow. This can be a useful marker in helping to identify the nature of causal connections as in:
The displayed polarity is for appearance purposes only, and does not influence simulation. You can choose + or S to indicate a link in the same direction and - or O to indicate a reversing link. You can also use another character or characters by clicking on the other button and typing in what you want to appear.
Font lets you set the font of the polarity associated with the arrow.
The polarity for an arrow will be shown at the Arrowhead or at the arrow's Handle depending on which one you check. If the polarity is shown at the handle you can move it by moving the handle. You can also set the polarity to be displayed inside or outside of the circle (or angle) formed by the arrow.
Hide Level, sets the hide level for the arrow. See the discussion of the Magic Wand above for more details on hiding.