Before you start a game or simulation you can make changes to model constants and lookup tables and specify a name for the simulation. If you do not want to make changes to model constants or lookup tables you can click directly on the Run or Game buttons.
When you click on the Set button the toolbar changes to:
In addition all the constants and lookup tables in the model structure will highlight in the diagrams. Click on one of these to change its values. If the model you are working with has sliders in it these will become active and you can use these to change model constants. You can also change these from the toolbar.
NOTE In addition to the toolbar, a Changes item will be added to the menu. You can use this to read in changes files and write changes you have made to changes files. This makes it easier to record changes and apply them to additional simulations.
From left to right the simulation setup toolbar has the following.
Euler (integration technique) specified the integration technique that will be used to simulate the model. Click on this to change the integration technique. Clicking will cause it to toggle between Euler and RK4 (fourth order Runge Kutta with automatic step size adjustment).
data lets you specify the data inputs for the model. This is only relevant if the model you are working with has data variables. You can type in the name of the input datasets or click on
: to open a file selection dialog and choose a files to work with. If you want to use more than one file they must be separated by commas.
Constants opens a dialog box listing all the model constants and allows you to go in and make changes to them. To change a constant click on it and press the Enter key. Then type in a new value and press the Enter key again. Click on Close when you are done changing constants.
Lookups opens a dialog box that lists all the lookup tables in the model. Click on one and click on Modify to open the graphical lookup editor. The graphical lookup editor lets you change nonlinear lookup functions. You can drag the points on the lookup or type in new values. Then click OK when you are done.
Stop lets you stop simulation setup. This will cancel any changes you might have made.
The remaining elements of Toolbar are the same as those in the Main Toolbar. Click on Run to start a simulation, SyntheSim to start SyntheSim, Game to start a game or Reality to start Reality Check tests. You may be asked if you want to overwrite an existing dataset.
In SyntheSim Mode behavior is displayed for all variables:
Sliders will automatically appear for each model Constant and Lookups will be highlighted. As you drag a slider the model will be simulated and the results displayed instantly. Click on a Lookup to change its values.
When you click on Game the Toolbar changes again:
The sketch appearance will also change. Any gaming variables (variables you can change during a game) will be highlighted. If the model you are using has sliders for gaming variables these will also become active. You can no longer make any changes to Lookups or model constants once you have started a game.
The current time is displayed at the very left. The remaining elements are:
Gaming Vals: This will bring up a list of gaming variables in the model. Not all models have gaming variables. If this list is empty then you will get the same results from running a game as you would from running a simulation.
Stop stops the game. The results to the currently displayed time will be kept.
> moves the game ahead in time by the amount in the editing box to the right.
< move the game back in time by the amount in the editing box. Not all models can be moved back in time like this.
0.25 is the amount to move ahead or back in a gaming step. If this is smaller then the SAVEPER for a model the model will be moved by the SAVEPER.
The remaining elements of Toolbar are the same as those in the Main Toolbar.
While you are in gaming mode you may make use of the analysis tools to review the results so far.