C-ROADS and C-LEARN, Climate Interactive

C-ROADS and C-LEARN are interactive, accessible computer simulations that help people visualize the long-term climate impacts of decisions being undertaken today. By making it easy to add up country emissions targets and to project their implications for the “bathtub dynamics” of the atmosphere, they bring accountability to the global negotiation process. C-ROADS has a number of high profile users, including the US State Department. You can run C-LEARN online.

Senator John Kerry Introduces C-ROADS Climate Simulator from Climate Interactive on Vimeo.

The rich C-ROADS interface is powered by Ventana UK’s Sable, which provides access to all of Vensim’s high-end features, including sensitivity analysis (used for assessment of the effect of uncertainty about climate sensitivity and business-as-usual emissions), dataflow between models (for attribution of temperature outcomes to regional emissions), and Excel input and output.



