Vensim 6.3D Released

Get It

Vensim 6.3D is available for download or purchase in the Vensim Store .

Upgrades are easy – just visit the download page and enter your license key information.

  • If your maintenance is current, you can download immediately.
  • If you don’t have a current license, you can extend your maintenance easily – just follow the Upgrade link that will be generated.
  • Can’t find your license? Need other options? No problem – contact sales at for help, volume quotes and other information.

PLE is always free for non-commercial use, and the Model Reader is free for redistribution of any model.

What’s New?

This is primarily a maintenance release, but it incorporates some nice improvements, like reorganized dialogs and a new Runs Control tool. Internally, we’ve improved some of the infrastructure for cross-platform support, greater speed, and 64-bit simulation.

The 6.3 release announcement details other recent additions. See the release notes for details.

There’s a quick introduction to Vensim in the Video Library.

Vensim 64

A 64-bit beta version is available for download to Vensim Pro and DSS users who are current with their maintenance. It’s full-featured and supports huge models. Email us for a download link.



