Vensim 7 Release

Vensim 7 is available for download or purchase in the Vensim store. This includes several significant new features, including:

Interactive sensitivity runs in Synthesim

– Percentile export for sensitivity runs
– Calibration payoffs can now compare model variables to one another as well as to data (great for synthetic data experiments)
– A trigger for data recomputation during optimization and sensitivity analysis
– Automatic data caching for faster computation in optimization and sensitivity analysis runs
– Poisson, Binomial, and robust Huber calibration optimization payoff elements
– New graphics for the Graph and Strip Graph tools, with anti-aliasing and greater interactivity

There’s more in the pipeline, including new graphics for other tools, and parallel processing for sensitivity and optimization runs.

You can upgrade to the latest version of Vensim easily – just follow the Upgrade link on the download page and enter your license code. Can’t find it? No problem – contact us for help.



