Vensim 6.0b Released

Vensim 6.0b is now available for download and purchase.

Release Version 6.0b includes new CSV data I/O functionality and several bug fixes:

New functionality

• Vensim can now import/export CSV files.

Bug Fixes

• An error would appear if running SyntheSim with Minimal Memory enabled.

• Performance improvements when importing large datasets.

• Importing a bad .dat file via reference mode settings caused an infinite loop.

• SyntheSim override, there was an error in the equations for exponential growth and decay.

• Passing command line arguments in a venapp (via FILE>SHELL) was not working.

• Bitmaps on the Mac were not working.

• String variables were not appearing as inputs in the equation editor

• A model missing a closing brace } would cause Vensim to become unstable.

• Reading optimization output files (.out) as a changes file would fail with variables with quoted names containing nonstandard characters.

There’s also a new tutorial video, Building a Simple Vensim Model.



