Category: Release

  • Vensim 6.0b Released

    Release Version 6.0b includes new CSV data I/O functionality and several bug fixes.

  • Vensim 6.0a released

    Release Version 6.0a includes fixes for several minor problems introduced with new features in Version 6.0. These include: Equation Editor Icons Optimization Excel import See the full release notes.

  • Vensim 6 Optimization Features

    A quick tour of new optimization & calibration features in Vensim 6:

  • Vensim 6 Interface

    A quick tour of the new look of the Vensim 6 tools and equation editor:

  • Vensim 6 released

    Version 6.0 introduces a new look and new features, along with many bug fixes. Interface Changes Equation Editor Toolbars and Cursors Optimization Features Stochastic optimization Discrete constraints on optimization parameters Extended payoffs Markov chain Monte Carlo & simulated annealing Extended payoff report information See the full release notes and video introduction.

  • Vensim 5.11 released

    Vensim 5.11a Significant upgrades to the Help system, including improved indexing and nearly 100 sample models illustrating the use of built-in functions. Enhancements to the document tool and SyntheSim functionality with lookups in large models A number of bug fixes that improve robustness and functionality

  • Vensim 5.10 released

    Vensim 5.10 integer allocation with ALLOCATE_AVAILABLE import data from .xlsx files and also access them using GET DIRECT… function or GET XLS… functions on the Macintosh. Double precision data support is also available for DSS only. GET XLS with named ranges on the Macintosh Mac compiled simulation support and external functions and a double precision […]