If you need help or technical support.
Vensim PLE, student downloads and free software users.
If you are a PLE or free software user, support is via our online forum only http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/. Please also check the FAQ as there are are many answers to common questions there (such as download problems).
Licensed Vensim users.
If you need help with Vensim, the place to start is at our online help system at https://vensim.com/documentation/.
If you still need help, our support forum is another good place to visit http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/.
We also have some useful resources on our support page.
For anything else, please contact the distributor for your area below.
Ventana Systems, Inc.
60 Jacob Gates Road
Harvard, MA 01451For most questions, we will ask you to email us so we have time to provide the correct answer to you.
If you have a technical query, please consider using the support forum (the link is above) as you will receive help fairly quickly. For quotes and general questions, it is often better to email us.
Phone: 508 651 0432
Fax: 508 650 5422Vensim PLE users.
If you are a PLE user, any questions should be posted to our online forum only http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk/forum/. Please also check the FAQ as there are are many answers to common questions there (such as download problems).E-mail: vensim@vensim.com
URL: https://vensim.comFor information on consulting and additional products and services offered by Ventana visit our corporate website.
MondoSim is our distributor for Brazil. They can answer any sales or technical questions you have.

Av. Pedroso de Morais 2267
São Paulo, SP 05419-001
Phone: +55 11 994 447 587
Email: leonardo@mondosim.com
Web: www.mondosim.com
Shanghai eyDao IT Company is our distributor for China. They have significant experience in building and using system dynamics models and can answer any sales or technical questions you have.
Shanghai eyDao IT Company
Room 401, Building 43,
99 Guoquan Road
Shanghai 200433
Phone: +86/138 1840 1588 or +86/136 6176 3042
Email: systemdynamicssw@126.com
Web : https://www.vensim.com.cn
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina
Proverbs, a.s. is our distributor for the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Hercegovina. They have significant experience in building and using system dynamics models and can answer any sales or technical questions you have.
Proverbs Corp.
Karlovo nam. 290/16
120 00 Prague 2,
Czech Republic
phone: +420 603 40 77 11
Email: info@sciencedynamics.cz
English edition
Czech edition
Japan Futures Research Center is our distributor in Japan. The center is a major system dynamics group in Japan developing models for business strategy and public policy and providing training and education in system dynamics and Vensim.
Japan Futures Research Center
521 Minamidani, Aihara, Goshiki-cho
Sumoto, Hyogo 656-1325
JAPANPhone: 81-(0)799-30-2016
Email: sd-info@muratopia.org
Web: https://muratopia.jpn.org
Davic Solution is our Korean distributor and can answer any sales or technical questions you have.
Davic solution
#283, Seokji 1-gil,
Munmak-eup, Wonju-si,
Gangwon-do, 26369, Republic of KoreaPhone: 82-2-2233-9100
Fax: 82-505-223-9100
Email: vensims@naver.com
Web: www.vensim.co.kr
ATC Innova is our Spanish distributor and can answer any sales or technical questions you have. They also run Vensim training courses. Contact them for details.
ATC Innova
Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso 1
28020 Madrid
SpainPhone: (34) 696 995 709
E-mail: info@atc-innova.com
Web: http://atc-innova.com
United Kingdom
Ventana Systems UK Ltd. is our UK distributor and can answer any sales or technical questions you have. They also run Vensim training courses including advanced courses. Contact them for details.
Ventana Systems UK Ltd.
13 Marybridge Close
SO40 9AQPhone: (44) 7954 591 569
E-mail: info@ventanasystems.co.uk
Web: http://www.ventanasystems.co.uk