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Vensim Help

You can use Input Output Objects to imbed sliders, graphs and tables in a sketch.  We will demonstrate this here by embedding a custom graph.

ØClick on the Control Panel button and then select the Graphs tab.  
ØClick on the New button.  The Custom Graph editor will open.
ØEnter the title "Population, Births and Deaths."
ØClick on the first Sel button and select Rabbit Population from the list.
ØClick on the second Sel button and select births from the list.
ØClick on the third Sel button and select deaths from the list.
ØClick on the Scale checkbox to the left between births and deaths.

The custom graph editor should look like:

ØClick on OK.
ØSelect the Input Output Object sketch tool .  

NOTE If you forgot to stop SyntheSim mode the Sketch toolbar will be grayed.  Click on the Stop button then try the above step again.

ØClick on an empty area of your sketch, below or to the right of the diagram.

The Input Output Object dialog will open.

ØClick on the Output Custom Graph radio button.
ØFrom the dropdown below Custom Graph or Analysis Tool for Output select POPULATION_,BIRTH_AND_D - it should be the only entry available.
ØClick on OK.
ØPosition and size the graph to fit your taste.
ØDouble click on the run name and replace decay with experiment.
ØClick on the SyntheSim button.
ØExperiment with moving the sliders around and seeing the results on the graph.

Chapter 12, Input and Output Controls has more details on customizing the information displayed on the sketch.