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Resizing a Box or Circle around a Word

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To resize a box or circle or other shape, drag the handle of the circle or box.  The handle is visible when you have selected the Move/Size tool and also for a short time after editing a variable name or setting options on a word. When you press the mouse button, the size of the box in pixels will appear in the Status Bar.  As you drag, an outline of the new box or circle is drawn, and the size in pixels (at 100% resolution) updated in the Status Bar.  Release the mouse when you are satisfied with the size and shape.

For simplicity, all shapes are resized with a single handle.  You can change the width and height of boxes and triangles independently, but you can change only the radius of a circles, hexagons and diamonds.

When you resize a box or circle around a word, the word will be broken into lines to fit within the border. This wrapping will be displayed as you resize the word.