When you are using the Text Editor, the Status Bar at the bottom of the workbench gives you information about current settings, and allows you to change a number of them.
Find will attempt to find the next occurrence of the text entered in the editing box to the right. To enter text, click in the editing box and type.
Sub will attempt to find the text in the editing box to the left and replace it with the text in the editing box to the right.
No Sens/Case Sens shows the current setting of case sensitivity. Clicking on it will toggle the setting.
Forward/Backward shows the current direction to be used in executing the find command. Clicking on this will toggle direction.
No Entrain/Entrain (models only) shows whether or not the model is entrained. If entrained, selection of a variable into the workbench will reposition the model to the equation for that variable.
Line # indicates the line number of the cursor. Clicking on this will allow you to enter a line to go to.
Position # indicates the character position of the cursor. Clicking on this has no effect.
>~... inserts a formatted multi-line tilde tilde bar at the current location.
>~~| inserts tilde tilde bar at the current location.
>Var prompts for a model variable using the Variable Selection dialog and places it at the current location.
>Font allows you to select a font using the Font Selection dialog and places the string representing the name of that font at the current location. Useful for .vcd files.
>Gr allows you to edit a Lookup function using the Graph Lookup Editor.
>Ctrl‡ allows you to edit a Venapp Control using the Venapp Control dialog.
When an error or information message is created, the contents of the Status Bar are changed to display that message.
Clicking on the Status Bar or pressing any key will cause the status bar to revert to its normal appearance.
When you drag the slider on the vertical scroll bar, the corresponding line number is immediately displayed in the Status Bar line number area. This allows you to go quickly to the line you want.