Output controls place information, possibly from a run or other data source, on the screen. COLORCIRCLE displays a circle with colors set from variable values by subscript. COLORRECT displays a rectangle with colors set from variable values by subscript. GRAPHVAR displays a small graph of a variable over time. LINE draws a line from one point to another. PROMPT displays the prompt specified for the input control that currently has the focus (is being used). RECTANGLE draws a rectangle. RUNNAME displays the name of a run. SHOWCOMPANY shows the name of the company that has registered Vensim (only useful in packaged applications). SHOWDATEVAR displays a variable value as a date. SHOWEDATEVAR displays a variable value as a date using the European date convention (day/month/year). SHOWUSER, displays the name of the user that has registered Vensim (only useful in packaged applications). SHOWVAR displays the value of a variable. TEXTONLY displays text. WBVAR displays the name of the Workbench variable (the variable on which tools will act).