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Vensim Help

Here is a brief description of the other examples.

Demo Disk

The Vensim demo disk is written as a Venapp.  It contains a number of different models and demonstrates some of the ways that they can be used.  The Venapp intro.vcd contained in the models\sample directory will start the program, but the Venapps in the various subdirectories can also be used directly without reference to intro.vcd, although they will return to intro.vcd rather than exiting directly.  For simplicity, the demo disk Venapps have been written to use binary forma (.vmf) models.  There are several things that are done in the demo disk Venapps that are interesting and you may want to explore these and make use of some of the screens.  

Resuming from a Prior Run

The uban.vcd  Venapp (in the models\urban subdirectory) sets up a game starting at the end of a simulation using the SIMULATE>BASED command.  This is a useful way to set up a simulation that will run over a historic period, and then allow for policy interventions after that period is run.  If you want to do this you should use a binary format (.vmf) model.


The maint1.vcd Venapp (in the models\maint1 subdirectory) allows the user to set up and run an optimization.  Running optimization inside of Venapps is not always successful because the optimization can take a long time.  At the same time, if the Venapp is being used to make it easy to set up and run things overnight, this can be very useful.

Sensitivity Simulations

The finance.vcd Venapp (in the models\finance subdirectory) demonstrates how you can setup sensitivity simulations from within a Venapp.  

Multiplayer Games

There is a very small Venapp mplayer.vcd in the venapp\mplayer  subdirectory that implements a very simple networked multiplayer game using timers and marker files.  The example is extremely simple but demonstrates some key ideas that can be used in this type of development.

Screen Updating

There is a small Venapp flicker.vcd in the venapp\flicker  subdirectory that demonstrates how to force a screen to update during a simulation.

Dialog Based Changes

There is a small venapp change.vcd in the directory venapp/change that demonstrates how user interaction can change variable values.  Note that you have to run a model in gaming mode for this to work.