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Analysis Control

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Select a variable for analysis - brings up the variable control dialog box, in which you can select a variable for analysis with the various analysis tools.  Selecting a variable here gives it the focus; the variable is now called the "workbench variable."  Another way to select a variable into the workbench (give it focus) is by double-clicking on it, wherever you see it (in graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.).

Load, unload, or reorder previous runs - brings up the dataset control dialog which allows you add, remove, delete, or change the order of the datasets.  The first loaded dataset is the top dataset in the left hand list.  Analysis tools usually operate on the first loaded dataset, though sometimes the first two loaded, or all loaded, datasets may be used for analysis.

Change subscript selection - brings up the subscript control dialog.  For a model that is subscripted (not all models are), this control allows you to select which subscripts you want to view during analysis.

List differences between the first two loaded runs - generates a table showing the differences in Constants or Lookup Tables for the first two loaded datasets (runs).

Display a predefined graph or report - brings up a graph control which allows you to view predefined graphs or reports.

Trace underlying causes using Trees - moves you to a screen in which you can trace links throughout the model to variables that cause the currently selected workbench variable to change.  A tree diagram is shown terminating in the workbench variable with links to all other variables, up to two steps away, that cause the workbench variable to change.  Also shown is a graph of the behavior of the workbench variable.

Trace underlying causes using Graphs - moves you to a screen in which you can trace causal behavior throughout the model in the form of linked graphs.  The top graph shows the behavior of the workbench variable, and the lower graphs show behavior of other variables that are linked to and cause the workbench variable to change.  Also shown is a definition of the workbench variable (its equation).

Trace the Uses of a variable - moves you to a screen in which you can trace links throughout the model of variables that are used by the currently selected workbench variable.  A tree diagram is shown originating from the workbench variable with links to all other variables, up to two steps away, that are changed by the workbench variable.  Also shown is a graph of the behavior of the workbench variable.