SENS2FILE improves on the capabilities of SENS2TAB, which is retained for backward compatibility.
Converts a sensitivity simulation file to a tab delimited file. This command will fail silently if vdffile is not the result of a sensitivity simulation. A number of options can follow the name of the output file.
, (comma) changes the output file format from tab-delimited to csv
* causes the simulation index (or time if # is specified) to run down instead of across; ignored if L or T is present.
> causes only the values at final time to be exported.
% | summarizes values by quantile rather than by simulation (like the option in the Stats tool). Reports the following percentiles: 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, 95, 97.5, 99 and 100. |
! suppresses the header (inserts the run name when used in the :extra columns)
+ appends rather than overwriting the file.
# causes the variables names to be modified by simulation number instead of time (only applies when > is not specified).
[ causes the variable names to be modified using a subscript instead of a prefix (only applies when > is not specified).
L formats the output as a relational data list.
T formats the output as Tidy Data.
E uses Euro number formatting (switching , and .).
codepage, if specified, determines the character encoding to use for the output. The default is UTF8 (65001). Use 0 to use the native ANSII encoding for the computer you are working with (usually 1252 ANSII Latin 1 for English and Western European languages).
If you want to add extra columns, such as the run name, then after the final option use a colon : followed by the text you want to appear in the column. Use an exclamation point ! to include the current run name. Note that the :Extra sequence must be at the very end. To add multiple extra columns use additional colons ( : ), escaped tabs ( \t ) or commas to separate them as in:
MENU>SENS2FILE|!|sens2file default|:!:more extra
This appends the run name, via !, and "more extra" as additional columns.
You do not need to include all potential arguments, or even separators for them. A : at any point will be recognized as the beginning of the Extra information. Everything that follows will be treated as the extra information.