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Vensim Help

For sales person salary we will choose something different from the default distribution.  RANDOM NORMAL samples values according to a Normal Distribution==F_1}, and requires maximum and minimum bounds as well as a mean and standard deviation to be specified.  (Technically this is called a Truncated Normal Distribution. The Normal Distribution is unbounded and very large negative and positive values can occur.)


ØClick on the dropdown arrow of the box Distribution.  Select RANDOM NORMAL from the list (you will need to use the scrollbar to scroll the list up).

Note that some editing boxes have been added to the bottom of the Sensitivity Control.


ØClick on the box Minimum Value and type in 1800.  Click on the box Maximum Value and type in 2200.  Click on the box Mean and type in 2000.  Click on the box Standard Deviation and type in 100.  Click on the button Add Editing.

The Sensitivity Control should look the same as below.


ØClick the Next button to move to the Save List control.