The SyntheSim toolbar appears when you start SyntheSim:
In PLE and PLE Plus to toolbar appears as:
The SyntheSim toolbar allows you to control the behavior of SyntheSim.
Changes Controls (Not PLE or PLE Plus)
Save Constant/Lookup Settings to a file allows you to write the current settings for all constants as a .cin file. This file can be used in regular simulation or loaded using the Read button described below.
Read Constant/Lookup Settings from a file allows you to use a .cin file to load changes. This can be a file created with the Save button, or any valid changes file.
Change Model Constants opens the Constant changes dialog. Each time you make a change the model will be simulated and the results displayed.
Change Lookups opens the Lookup changes dialog. As you make changes the model will be simulated to reflect those changes.
Run Control
Stop simulating stops SyntheSim mode. See notes on Stopping SyntheSim above.
Save this run to saves the current simulation to a different name and then loads it in at then end of the loaded run list, leaving the current Runname active. This is a useful way to make an archive of the run and its current settings. Its function is very similar to the Save Constant button, but it stores all results.
The Runname editing box and the associated Select button work the same way the do for initially choosing the simulation name. See the notes in Keeping Results from SyntheSim below for more discussion.
Reset Buttons
Reset Current Slider to base val resets the value associated with the current slider to be equal to the value it had when SyntheSim was started. You can use the Home key on the keyboard as a shortcut for this. The current slider is the one appearing highlighted as
rather than
Reset all Constants/Lookups to base vals resets the values of every Constant and Lookup in the model to be the value taken on when SyntheSim was entered.
NOTE Older versions of Vensim (5.9c and before) would reset values to what was specified in the model equation, ignoring changes files.
Control Buttons
The remaining buttons are the same as in the normal toolbar. In SyntheSim you can do the same things that you can in regular analysis mode. This includes loading and unloading runs, selecting variables, editing and displaying graphs and tables and setting scaling preferences.
You can also change the Time Axis to display, but this will only affect created graphs. The thumbnail SyntheSim graphs displayed on the Sketch view are always for the full duration of the simulated run.