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Vensim 10.2.0

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Vensim 10.2.0 introduces some fixes and tweaks to help usability.


- New loops tool. We've redesigned the loops tool. You can now highlight structure on a sketch when using the loops tool.


- New causal chain tool. Similar to the loops tool, the causal chain tool allows you to find the routes between two variables in a model. You can also highlight these on a sketch as well.


- Multi-core sensitivity on the Mac is now available.


- New custom graph editor.


- New custom table editor.


- Search tool now allows you to search within equations. For example, if you need all functions that read an Excel file, you can enter XLS and the tool will only display variables that have equations with "XLS" in them.


- DSS only : Notebook control. This allows you to place multiple graphs/tables within a notebook on a sketch.


- Drag/Drop : Drag and drop is now implemented in a number of locations (such as dragging a custom graph from the control panel onto the sketch, or loading/unloading runs in the dataset manager).