You can set put input sliders and output graphs and tables into any sketch view for use with SyntheSim. As you move the sliders, or type in a different number, the model will be simulated. If the number you type in is out of the range specified for the slider the closest number in the range will be used. For example is the range is from 100 to 200 and you type in 1 then 100 will be used. If you add 2 to give 12 100 will still be used. If you add 3 to give 123 then 123 will be used.
When you move a slider Graphs, Strip Graphs and simple Bar Graphs placed as input output controls will update, though they will not rescale. When you let go of the slider all output objects (including tables) will be updated and rescaled. If you are typing in numbers, or using the keyboard to move the automatic sliders, all output objects will be updated on each change. Note that sliders created as Input Output objects do not support movement with the arrow keys since these are used to edit the value for the constant.