Current Version: 10.3.0 (released March 2025)

All Vensim configurations are available by download and can be upgraded online. New purchases of Vensim Professional and DSS are available by contacting Ventana Systems, using the order links below, or from our International distributors. Pricing for Vensim. Installation instructions.

Download Licensed Software

If you have already purchased Vensim, you can download from here. Enter the registration code you were sent by email or that appears the back of your CD dust jacket. You will be offered the most current software you qualify for. You will be told if you need to upgrade or extend your maintenance to receive the newest version. If you have previously updated be sure to enter the most recent registration code you have. Vensim Pro and DSS licenses with current maintenance now include a Ventity subscription! Learn more.

Free Downloads

Vensim PLE (Evaluation or Educational), Vensim Model Reader, Molecules


If you want to upgrade to the latest Vensim release, and you bought Vensim directly from us, you can do so from here. Please log into the download center, links will be available for you to extend maintenance and upgrade.

If you bought Vensim through an international distributor you will need to contact them for upgrades.

New Licenses

All versions of Vensim are available for purchase online via credit card. Use this link to visit our online shop.


Release notes, installation instructions, User’s Guide & Reference Manual